Очистка оборотной воды / re-use water treatment
Equipment for re-use water treatment
Intensive development of industrial and agricultural sectors, increase in city improvement, considerable increase of population is the reason of deficiency and bad quality of water resources in almost all Russian regions.
One of the main ways of satisfaction in water for society is engineering decisions which can reproduce water resources.
Rational technological water consumption is possible only with arrangement of re-use water systems for all industrial companies. The basis of this system is water characteristics.
Russian industry is characterized with high development of recycling water supply. That`s why economy of fresh water consumed for industrial needs is 78% (average). The best indicators of recycling water supply usage: Gas companies (97%), oil companies (95%), ferrous metallurgy (94%), chemical and oil and chemical sector (91%), machine-building (85%).
In total,ratio of used volumes of fresh and recycling water is 35,5 and 64,5%.